We had someone aboard Infinite Improbability over the weekend and they stole a large MagLite flashlight from the cockpit. They did not break into the boat or vandalize anything and they left a rechargeable spotlight. This wasn't my spotlight. It was the one they brought themselves! Not only that, it was worth more than the light they took and it worked!!! My MagLite had dead batteries in it.
Did I come out ahead? No. The police took the spotlight away as evidence. They hoped to fume it (see NCIS or CSI). I may become a suspect since I touched it before I realized what had happened. Oh well. Another adventure.
The other update is about what may become our ship's cat. We've been adopted but she may end up with Heather when we sail away. We'll see. She's already been to the boat and was fine but who knows what will happen once we get underway. Going to a foreign country could be an issue, too. That is a few years in the future anyway.
HAPPY (through the next 40 days or so) HOLIDAYS