Monday, January 27, 2014


     It's been more than a month since we arrived in Marathon. The most fun we've had is teasing people a little north of here about the weather. OK, a lot north of here.

     The weather has been mostly great. It stayed pretty much in the 80s until well into January. Then a number of fronts (northers) came through bringing wind (from the north) and cooler temps. We've had a couple of days when it barely reached 60 but when this happened in was in the single digits (or less!) back home. Most of the cool days have been in the mid 60s and the nice days are in the 70s. 80s are probably gone for a couple of months. That's quite okay.

     What do we do besides tease our friends? I play softball three times a week. Carol has yoga a few days a week when she is not off working. There's bike riding, dinghy trips to the beach and cruises looking for the manatees. While Heather was here we went to Key West ($1.50 bus ride, 50 miles) and visited the Dolphin Center a little north of here. All this in weather that required long pants or long sleeves for about 5 days in the last 40. And we complained about those 5 days. Ha!

     We have also had mechanics out to the boat to do repairs beyond my 'fix it 'til it's broken' skills. Generator starter, injector pump and heat exchanger repairs. Yanmar starter and alternator repairs, too. Big $$$$ but way cheaper than home taxes, maintenance or repairs. And easier to take than snow shoveling.

     We had the chance to rent a car to go to Cape Coral to visit my 97 year old aunt for a couple of days. We also went to the T A Edison winter home and workshop in nearby Ft Myers.


     His buddy Henry Ford had the home next door.

     I had to promise my aunt to come back for her 100th birthday party.

     We've got another month to suffer through before we start north again. Maybe we'll go to the Turtle Hospital again. Or Key West. Or the beach. Or the Hurricane Bar. Or our own Tiki Hut for Saturday evening jam sessions. Or - or - or... just can't decide. Too tough.