We went through the Throgs Neck to exit L.I. Sound and the photo of the lift bridge is the Roosevelt Island Bridge. We had to go through it on the east side of Roosevelt Island because the UN was in session closing the west side of the East River. There is a photo of the UN as we went past. We went by the Statue of Liberty as close as the security zone allows. Took a photo of the Brooklyn Bridge and finally, the Veranzano-Narrows Bridge, the exit from NYC. The last photo is two bridges in the C & D Canal.
So much for last week.
This week we finished the trip through the C&D and ended up at Worton Creek. Our first Chesapeake creek anchorage. We spent two nights there, almost a day of it in the rain. We also caught a crab pot when we were approaching Worton Creek. It shut down our starboard engine as we dragged it more than a mile before it cut free. I had to do a dive to get the rest of the line and float free.
Carol is off to Cleveland to work for the Joint Commission and we hope to head for Annapolis on Friday and then attend the Boat Show. Until then it's me and Cleo working on the boat. Well... one of us.
We don't start pushing south until after the 17th of the month.
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