While we were in the dinghy heading to the marina a pair of dolphin came at us at a right angle, right at our beam. They came up to breathe and saw they were very close to us. They dove deeper and I could see them pass under the dink, make a right turn while still submerged and head aft. Then about ten feet back one leapt out of the water, twisting so he (she?) was facing in our direction so it could get a good look at us. Very awesome! It had no reason to do this except to check us out.
Early Saturday morning, the 20th, we headed out of Charleston Harbor for an overnight bluewater passage to Florida. First time that far off shore (about 40nm) and first time overnight at sea. About a 150nm trip.
While on this passage dolphin would come zooming towards us then turn to ride our bow wave. They would ride with their tails just under the bows of our boat. They would also look back and up at us. We could even hear them clicking and whistling.
Two days later we are at St Augustine. The ICW from Jacksonville to St Auggie is very pretty and we also saw a pair of Bald Eagles mating on a daymark. Haven't seen birds mating since our time in the Galapagos Islands.
One more thing: now we have dolphin photos.
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